Frequently Asked Questions

The retreats are provided to people searching for a safe and protective environment to heal, further
develop themselves and find purpose in life. Addictions, stress, feelings of alienation,
depression, panic attacks, unresolved childhood issues …. are but a few issues many of us face. Through plant healing which Don Gino facilitates, such issues and traumas can be better understood, accepted and resolved. Don Gino often describes himself as being the bridge between the sacred feminine “Mother” spirit of the plant and the people in attendance who often express gratitude for the space which he creates.

The Following are only general guidelines. Please consult a physician if you have a health condition or other concern which requires professional medical advice before deciding whether to partake in a ceremony with plant medicines.

What is Ayahuasca and how is it prepared?
What are the benefits of Ayahuasca?
Why is the ceremony setting important?
Is Ayahuasca safe?
Can anyone drink Ayahuasca?
Why is purging part of the process?
What do I have to take with to a ceremony?
What do I wear?
Should I abstain from sexual activity before, during and after?
What am I allowed to eat?
When do I have to start the diet?
Why are three nights recommended rather than just one or two?

What is Ayahuasca and how is it prepared?
Ayahuasca is a psychoactive brew which has been used as a medicine by countless tribes in the Amazon basin region for centuries. It is usually made by combining the Ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis Caapi) with leaves from the Chacruna shrub (Psychotria Viridis), which are boiled in a large pot often for several days until the resulting liquid becomes syrup-like in consistency. Although the recipes can vary and may use other plants in place of Chacruna, such as Chaliponga (Diplopterys cabrerana). Don Gino always sticks to the same recipe:- Ayahuasca, Chacruna and water.
He actively collects specimens of each plant in a sustainable manner during frequent Amazon expiditions and cooks the brew for 4-5 days with unwaivering attention and patience required to produce the highest quality organic, ethically sourced Ayahusca.

What are the benefits of Ayahuasca?

Why is the ceremony setting important?

Is Ayahuasca safe?

Can anyone drink Ayahuasca?
Don Gino would like to welcome everyone. However, precautions must be taken since some medications and substances have contraindications when used in combination with Ayahuasca. Also people with certain conditions are advised not to take part in a ceremony. These include but are not limited to:-

• Bipolar Disorder
• Borderline Personality Disorder
• Schizophrenia
• Down’s Syndrome
• Coronary heart disease
• Heart failure
• Diabetes- type 1 and 2
• High blood pressure
• Pulmonary embolism
• Congenital heart disease
• Respiratory conditions such as severe Asthma and Bronchitis

Why is purging part of the process?

What do I have to take with to a ceremony?

What do I wear?

Should I abstain from sexual activity before, during and after?

What am I allowed to eat?

When do I have to start the diet?

Why are three nights recommended rather than just one or two?

NOTES (to be deleted in final draft)
Pre-ceremony diet
Guidelines during the ceremony
“Breath. Drink your water. Surrender. Do your work.”
Keep your bucket close. Purging can happen unexpectedly.
If you need to leave the ceremony room ask for assistance.
Let the process happen and trust that everything is going to be alright.

– What do I have to bring along? mat, waterbottle, favorite blanket for the ceremony
– What shall I wear? Comfortable and warm clothes
– Whats about the thing not having sexual activities? Since this is also a very strong energy, it can affect or even interrupt your connection, which will continue after the ceremonies
– What am I allowed to eat? Maybe you would like to copy something from the paper Diet we sent allong with the invitation?
– When do I have to start the diet? 1-2 weeks before and after the retreat. After is even more important, because the plant is inside you and is still working.